Every morning he thinks of one or two things he’s looking forward to that day.
Little things like having gym class or getting pizza for lunch.
In effect, he’s training his mind to focus on the positive, which in turn, improves his entire attitude and outlook.

This morning as we drove to school, I decided to extend his idea to the rest of us. I asked each of the kids to tell me one thing they were looking forward to today.
After each of us had a turn, I thought about all the things they might not be looking forward to, but I didn’t want to ruin what we had just done.
Then I realized I could re-frame the negative.
Instead of asking the kids to tell me something they weren’t looking forward to, I asked them to tell me what I could pray about for them today.
I explained that I spend my drive home praying for each of their days and that I’d love to be specific in my prayers.
They each named a couple of things they’d like me to pray about, and I sent them off to school not only thinking about something positive, but also with the assurance that their mom is talking to God about the things that worry them.
Our attitudes will make or break our day, week, month, year, LIFE. And although I believe that some people are naturally inclined to a sunnier outlook than others, I also believe that we can train ourselves to focus on the positive instead of the negative.
Give it a try this week.
Take a page from my son’s book and think of one or two things each morning that you’re looking forward to.
Then re-frame what’s weighing you down by praying about it or asking someone else to pray about it for you.
I bet it won’t take long to notice an improvement in your attitude, and in turn, your life.
This post was featured on PopSugar and HuffPost UK.
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