Meme Monday
Welcome to Meme Monday: 2nd Edition! Find my first meme here.
Real Life for Real Moms
By Lauren
If you enjoy picture-perfect home decor, perfectly prepared recipes, and perfectly behaved children, you've come to the wrong place. Meet Lauren. She isn't perfect, but she's perfectly real.
Cynthia says
I’m now divorced but if I were married that is a heck of a list I’d like to hear my husband say! You got it right!
Lauren says
If there’s a guy out there who regularly says all five of those things, then his wife better never let him go, hahaha!
Lily Lau says
This is hilarious, Lauren! I especially love #2, I’d love to hear that 🙂
Lauren says
Wouldn’t it be great if that’s how much (little) effort it took to look sexy? Haha!