She is learning that letting go can be scary and exciting, but most of all, necessary.
Five Gifts Parents Want You to Buy Their Kids
Not long ago I wrote a guest post describing what not to buy children for gifts. They were the things every parent cringes at when they see the wrapping paper come off: Toys that make noise, junk food, STUFFED ANIMALS, etc. Clearly, after telling you what not to buy, a follow-up post telling you what […]
It’s All About Perspective (and It’s All Small Stuff)
It’s All About Perspective (And It’s All Small Stuff) I’m sitting at the kitchen table with a butter knife trying to scrape dried-up oatmeal off our fabric seats. I purposely waited until it dried because when I tried to clean it while it was fresh, it just got mushed further into the cushions. It’s not […]