Today I’m celebrating my 33rd birthday. My day will probably include a few well-wishing phone calls, wiping some poopy butts, making three different lunches to suit the desires of three different kids, not having to make dinner because I use any excuse I can not to cook, and an evening spent watching DVR’d shows.
I tell you all that to explain why I didn’t entitle this post 33 INTERESTING Things About Me on My 33rd Birthday. I’m not a super exciting person.
33 Things About Me on My 33rd Birthday
Even so, I dug into my memory bank and tried to think of some of the more enthralling aspects of my life to share. I hope you enjoy.
1. I can jiggle my eyes. Like, make the eyeballs move side to side really really fast, faster than if you try to just look side to side really fast. I’m not exactly sure how to describe it. Actually I haven’t done it in years, so I’m just assuming that I still can. If I’d ever made it on Letterman, it would have been my stupid human trick.
2. I hate feet.
3. And birds.
4. Actually no. I’m terrified of birds.
5. While on my honeymoon, I also discovered that I have an irrational fear of jellyfish. Non-stinging ones. That’s a story I need to write sometime.
6. I love Cadbury Mini Eggs.
7. My mom set me up with Eric.
8. Eric and I never would have met if it hadn’t been for a mule named Alice.
9. Social situations stress me out.
10. I’m horrible at talking to people I don’t know well. Two words describe me: Socially. Awkward.
11. My lung collapsed my freshman year of college.
12. I pretty much always have a song stuck in my head. Right now it’s “You can hear the music on the AM radio…” I have no idea why. I haven’t heard that song in years.
13. It was while I was in the hospital for my lung collapse that I decided I wanted a spring wedding because I loved the flowers that filled my room.
14. I grew up on a campground.
15. I grew up on an island.
16. I’m very particular about how things are when I go to bed. I can’t have any hair touching my face, ears, or neck. The blankets have to be tucked in at the bottom. They have to reach up over my shoulders, but they can’t touch my face. I can feel the difference in weight if one blanket doesn’t reach as high as another and I have to fix it before I can sleep. The sheet has to be folded over the top of the blankets because I don’t want the blankets to touch my skin. Usually I’ll get it just right and then Eric will climb into bed which messes it up, so I have to start all over again.
17. I’m a weirdo. Number 15 proves it.
18. I have three older sisters.
19. My hubby-to-be and I grew our own tulips for our wedding.
20. I lived less than a mile from Stephen King for three years.
21. I’ve never seen Stephen King in person.
22. I’ve had three c-sections.
23. I’m not all that interesting because it’s really hard to think of 33 things.
24. I was a cheerleader. I think I only did it because my three older sisters were also cheerleaders. I have nothing against cheerleaders; it’s just not my personality.

I dug through the old picture albums, but this is the best I could come up with. My mom has all the good pictures.
25. I’ve been to Spain, England, Scotland, and a couple of Caribbean islands. Oh. And Canada.
26. When I went to college, everyone thought I was Canadian because of my accent. I say ‘aboot’ instead of ‘about’.
27. When I was little, we visited some friends in Canada and they asked if I wanted an orange pop. I was really excited, thinking I was going to get a popsicle. Imagine my disappointment when they brought me soda. I hated soda when I was a kid.
28. One of the very first things I noticed (and liked) about Eric was that he said, ‘Eh’ (pronounced like the letter A) like Canadians do. For example, “It’s pretty cold out today, eh?”
29. I’m beginning to think I should move to Canada.
30. I hate getting my picture taken. My mom made a scrapbook page entirely filled with pictures of me doing this:
31. When I was really little, I had imaginary friends named Lauren, Laura, and Laurie.
32. I swear I’m not as narcissistic as that makes me sound.
33. I’ve dreamed of being a writer since I was a little girl.
There you have it. 33 things about me on my 33rd birthday. If you feel like sending some birthday love my way, I’d love for you to subscribe to my newsletter and join me over on Facebook!
Kristen says
I’m laughing so much right now! A campground island! You are soooo interesting. You grew your own tulips?! That’s a post right there. And You forgot, “I say gee whiz.”
HAPPY BIRTHDAY friend! May your day be filled with healthy kids that don’t cry once, and lots of ‘ME’ time!
Lauren says
HAHAAHA, gee whiz! The campground is on an island, but it’s an island with several towns and a national park on it, so it’s not just a tiny thing that people swim out to to go camping on 🙂
Herchel S says
Happy birthday Lauren! I am not particularly fond of feet myself and you may as well be living in Canada lol! Your life has been interesting! An island campground? I would love that!
Lauren says
LOL! Kristen laughs at me because I’ll mention going ‘up north’ to visit my in-laws (who live three hours away) and she’s like, “How can you go any farther north than you already are?!”
April says
Happy birthday! I enjoyed reading your ’33 things’ because I think you are interesting, funny and REAL and I appreciate your honesty and candor. I hope you have a terrific day!!!!!!
Lauren says
Thanks April! Just don’t ask me for 33 more. I can guarantee they would be boring.
Savanna says
Happy Birthday Love! I love that your Mom made a scrapbook page of pictures of you like that, hilarious! I love Cadbury mini eggs too! In the past, I have stocked up so I could have them year long… just sayin. I hope your day is amazing, and you could have totally titled it 33 Interesting things about me… it was great!
Lauren says
That’s a great idea! I always think I’ll go to the store the day after Easter to stock up, but they’re always sold out by the time I get there.
Michelle says
You fascinate me. And, I love you! Happy birthday well-wishing blog comment! (Because I hate phone talking, even with fascinating 33yo cousins who are having a birthday. Makes me wonder if I am really a Carlin…)
I have a really fun birthday photo of you as a 3 yo that I will share on FB, if I get my act together today. It is one of my favorite photos of you, crazy girl!
Lauren says
I hate talking on the phone too. Maybe we got the recessive gene. I’m a little nervous to see that picture 😉
Genevieve says
I love No. 31!! Many happy returns!
Lauren says
It’s just weird.
Becka says
Happy Birthday.. 🙂 I will also turn 33 this year! LOL your mom sounds like a fun person. I think Canada would be an interesting place to live. Very nice post. 🙂 I wasn’t a cheerleader but I was a flag twirler and it was SO far from my personality too… I will never again admit to that and there is not one single photo that survived from that part of my life.
Lauren says
Hahah! There’s got to be one somewhere!
Echo says
I love this! Hahaha! So much fun getting to know more about you! People make fun of my accent and I always say, “What accent?!”. Apparently, Minnesotans sound funny to everyone except Minnesotans.
Echo says
Oh and Happy Birthday!!!!
Lauren says
I suppose I should be happy I didn’t end up with a Maine accent!!
Lauren says
this is pretty funny, I def learned a lot about you here!! Happy Birthday, I hope you enjoy your day!
Lauren says
Thank you!
Charlene says
Happy Birthday Lauren! So much fun getting to know you more!! Thanks for sharing!
Lauren says
Thanks Charlene!