I’m about to say something that most of you will agree with: The past few years have been hard. Anyone who lived through Covid can attest to that, but honestly, for me, it’s been the years after 2020 and the situations that have little to nothing to do with a worldwide pandemic that have kicked […]
Raising Racially-Sensitive Kids in the Whitest State in America
It became apparent as soon as we stepped off the airplane. I noticed it amid the hustle and bustle of gathering kids and carry-ons, threading our way through the crowds to baggage claim, and finding a porter to help with our monstrous pile of luggage and car seats. People of every color flowed past us in […]
Five Signs Your Kids are Staging a Coup
A version of this post originally appeared on Scary Mommy. Is everything peaceful on the home front? Despite a few rough moments now and then, do you feel good about the familial order of things? Do your kids know the roles they play and and are happy with their places in the family? You poor delusional fool. Your children […]
Potty Training Advice From the Experts
This post contains affiliate links. At no extra cost to you, I will earn a small commission on any purchases made through these links. Thank you for your support! Welcome to my brand new series, Ask the Experts (That’s YOU!). I use the term ‘series’ loosely because I’m not sure how often these posts will […]
To Eli, on your 7th Birthday
Dear Eli, Back in January we spent a bitterly cold afternoon visiting Daddy while he worked on a construction project. We slid around on the ice-covered ground for a while, then hopped into his truck and cranked the heat in order to regain feeling in our fingers and toes. As we slowly warmed up, your […]
I Asked, You Answered: The Worst Gift You Ever Received
It’s happened to all of us. We excitedly pull the paper off a gift, open up the box to reveal the contents, and think, “Really?” Though most gifts are well-intentioned and I am not for a minute promoting ungratefulness, let’s face it, some miss the mark, and others can be downright comical. I asked my email subscribers […]
I Asked, You Answered: What Surprised You Most About Parenthood?
In case you’re new to I Asked, You Answered, here’s how it works: Each time I send out my newsletter (Currently it’s once every two weeks, so you have no excuse not to sign up. No one can complain about one email every two weeks.) I include a question. They’re all over the board, from […]
I Asked, You Answered: Movie Theater
Last Sunday a bunch of movie people won some awards. I didn’t really care because I’d never seen any of the movies they won the awards for. Not one. Not even the animated ones. In fact, I hadn’t even heard of at least half of them. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in my Oscar […]
What Life is Like Where It’s Snowy and Cold [Video]
My friend Kristen, who lives in Miami, has told me several times that I need to write about what we go through up here in the frozen North during the winter months. Every time she’s said it, I’ve laughed and thought, “It’s just winter. We do it every year.” What Life is Like Where It’s […]
33 Things About Me on My 33rd Birthday
Today I’m celebrating my 33rd birthday. My day will probably include a few well-wishing phone calls, wiping some poopy butts, making three different lunches to suit the desires of three different kids, not having to make dinner because I use any excuse I can not to cook, and an evening spent watching DVR’d shows. I […]