Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we all turned into Legos? No? Well I have, and after giving it a lot of thought, I think it would be AWESOME. Sure, not being able to reach the top of our head with our own hands would be a drag, but the […]
What’s Really Important
What’s Really Important I’m staring at my phone when he opens the driver’s door. He climbs in, drops two paper bags onto my lap, and backs out of our parking spot. I take a moment to place them at my feet, then return to my reading. As we pull out of the parking lot, he remarks, […]
Week 29: Life is beautiful
If this is your first time joining me for the Keeping It Real Challenge, please click here to find out what it’s all about. The brevity of life hit me this week. On Tuesday evening we drove down to Bar Harbor. Not an hour after we passed a certain stretch of road, three people lost […]