Welcome to my newest feature: Meme Monday The other day I made my first ever meme and tweeted it to a few people. Bundoo asked if I had it on the blog so they could pin it. I didn’t, but thought, “Hey, I could do that and call it Meme Monday!” (which maybe is already […]
Back to School Grilled Cheese: How Facebook Saved the Day
It’s all began when I told the boys they could choose whatever they wanted for a ‘Night Before School Starts’ dinner. I thought they’d choose something kid-friendly, but still dinnerish. You know, pizza, nuggets and fries, something like that. Instead, Eli wanted a grilled cheese and Samuel asked for something shaped like a golf club. […]
The Parenting Olympics: Do YOU Have What it Takes?
Every two years, nations all over the world come together to cheer on and celebrate the accomplishments of their elite athletes. It’s a wonderful and exciting time and those athletes deserve every ounce of recognition they receive. But what about the millions of people living quiet, unseen lives who not only deserve gold medals, but […]
The butt dial I won’t soon forget
It’s been exactly one year since the most embarrassing moment of my life (to date). How do I know this? Because as soon as it happened, I decided to share it with the world. And apparently it struck a chord (or people just like to laugh at me) because it was the first time my […]
Family Road Trips: Then and Now
My family recently took a road trip to New Hampshire. It was a relatively short drive, just about four hours, but as the seven of us (my parents came too) piled into our minivan, I began to reminisce about the family road trips we took when I was a little girl. Some things have changed […]
40 steps to easily get out the door with kids
Remember those carefree days before you had children? You’d need a few things at the grocery store, so you’d run a brush through your hair, freshen your makeup, grab your purse and keys, and be in the car three minutes after deciding to go. Then you had kids and suddenly going to the store, or […]
The teen pregnancy problem: Solved!
There has always been a lot of consternation over teens having babies. The problem is discussed and possible solutions are brainstormed, but still, the problem persists. I would like to humbly submit a solution to not just decrease the teen pregnancy rate, but eradicate it. Bold statement? Perhaps, but hear me out. The Teen Pregnancy […]
Advice for my sons that flies in the face of convention
Dear Sons, As you grow older, you will hear something from women over and over again. It is a phrase that has been repeated thousands, nay millions, of times to men everywhere. Sometimes the women in your life will say it with laughter in their voices. Sometimes they will cry it in frustration. They may […]
Making new mom friends is like trying to pick up a guy
She catches your eye across the playground. She has a cute haircut and is wearing those sandals you’ve been eying. The kid she’s pushing in the swing appears to be about the same age and gender as the one you chase around on a daily basis. This woman is worth further inspection. You casually move […]
You’re doing potty training all wrong. Here’s why:
When it comes to potty training, the prevailing attitude seems to be ‘the earlier, the better’. I get it. Sort of. Diapers are expensive, so it would be nice to cross them permanently off the shopping list. And there are always those parents who want to turn their smug noses up at the poor schmuck […]