She sat at the counter, crayon in hand, while I stood on the other side of the kitchen, preparing dinner. “Mommy, look!” I glanced up, smiled at her, then went back to my work. “Say, ‘Great job Annelise!’ Mommy! Say, ‘Great job!!’ “ I laughed and moved closer, looked at her monotone scribbles (this time […]
Keeping Screen Time Under Control: A Summer Plan
Summer vacation has arrived! Days, weeks, and months of freedom stretch before us. No homework, no after school activities, fun in the sun, sibling squabbles, cries for ‘just a few more minutes’ on the iPad, clothes and toys and junk all over the house… Hold on a minute! Keeping Screen Time Under Control: A Summer […]
Five Things I Refuse to Feel Guilty About This Summer
© 2015 Lauren Cormier, as first published on Scary Mommy Every summer it’s the same thing. I start the season out with great intentions and end it wondering how it could be over already. Instead of enjoying the days, I usually end up feeling guilty about one thing or another because apparently, as a mother, […]
How a Crack in the Driveway Split Time
“Is it stupid that I’m sad the crack will be gone?” I turn to look at my husband, praying he’ll offer the validation I need in this moment. He looks directly at me, my heartache reflected in his own eyes, and doesn’t hesitate, “No, it’s not stupid.” How a Crack in the Driveway Split Time […]
What New Parents REALLY Need to Know
You’re standing in line at the grocery store in yesterday’s clothes, fussing baby in your arms, hair pulled into a greasy ponytail. The cashier gives you a once-over before commenting, “This is nothing, Honey. Just wait until she’s three!” Even if she’s right, in that moment her words are far from helpful. A mom in […]
I Was Yours First: A Reminder to Husbands and Wives in the Season of Raising Children
The front door squeaks open, softly heralding your arrival. Cries of “Daddy!” fill my ears as three kids rush to be the first to give hugs. I smile, grab a dish towel to dry my hands, round the corner from the kitchen to the living room, and give you a peck on the cheek before […]
Why I’m Embracing My Mom Guilt
© 2014 Lauren Cormier, as first published on Scary Mommy Mom guilt. Before I had kids, it was just a phrase to roll my eyes at. After I had kids, it became a living entity with the ability to eat me alive if I wasn’t careful. Why I’m Embracing My Mom Guilt Before I had […]
Wasn’t It Just Yesterday?
I sit on a swing at my favorite park and glance to my left at the playground equipment. As my eyes focus on my oldest it dawns on me what I’m seeing, what I’ve been seeing since we arrived over an hour ago. He is perched above the monkey bars, surveying the neighborhood from close […]
Cutting the Chaos of Dinner Time With Kids
Not long ago I found a bunch of stock photos of families at dinner time and I’ve got to tell you, they looked NOTHING like our family dinners. Everyone was in their seat. Everyone was smiling. Kids were grabbing second helpings of vegetables. No one had food on their face or shirt. These photos were remarkable. They […]
How I’m Like Lord Business as a Mom, and the Ways I’m Letting Go
Guest Post by Esther Littlefield of Wellness Mom Life I sat on the floor with my daughter playing Legos. I looked around me and inwardly cringed. Every set we’ve bought her over the years is now jumbled up, scattered throughout multiple bins, across the floor, and made into new creations. It’s not just the Lego […]