This post contains affiliate links. I will earn a small commission on any purchase made at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support! When the new school year begins in several weeks, I will send my second child off to kindergarten. For some reason I thought it would be easier the second time around, […]
What They Meant When They Told Me Life Will Never Be the Same
Back in May, I had the honor of being part of the inaugural cast of Listen to Your Mother Bangor. I’ve been waiting for the videos to be posted before I shared my story with you. You can read or watch it below. What They Meant When They Told Me Life Will Never Be the […]
Five Ways to Keep in Touch With Family Who Lives Far Away
For most of my adult life, my extended family lived within a few hours of each other. When holidays, birthdays, or special events happened, it was easy to get together to celebrate. We took it for granted that we could easily see each other and that our kids would grow up near their cousins. Five Ways […]
Potty Training Advice From the Experts
This post contains affiliate links. At no extra cost to you, I will earn a small commission on any purchases made through these links. Thank you for your support! Welcome to my brand new series, Ask the Experts (That’s YOU!). I use the term ‘series’ loosely because I’m not sure how often these posts will […]
Four Words That Put Motherhood in Perspective
The four words are said after five minutes that feel like five hours. The two year old, the four year old, and I are at the six year old’s school to pick him up for a field trip. I’ve told the two year old she can walk if she stays with me, but willpower […]
Five Simple and FREE Birthday Traditions to Start This Year
I survived another birthday season! Our kids were all born within a few weeks of each other (well, not all in the same year obviously), so springtime can be a busy and stressful time for me. I love to make my kids’ birthdays special, but I also like to keep things simple. Sometimes, by the time […]
Inner Thoughts of Parents at the Beginning and End of the School Year
This post contains affiliate links. I’ll receive a small commission on any purchases made through the links. Beginning of the School Year “This year is going to be different!” “I’ve set the alarm for an hour earlier than usual so we don’t have to rush in the mornings.” “Spending an hour each Sunday prepping lunches […]
14 Surprising Life Lessons My Kids Have Taught Me
Parenting is one big learning experience, but have you ever stopped to think not just of what you’ve learned about parenting, but what you’ve learned about life in general, thanks to your kids? Today I’m excited to welcome Alison Wilkinson from Run, Knit, Love who is sharing 14 surprising life lessons her kids have taught her. 14 Surprising […]
To All the Moms
To all the moms: To the Some Day Mom who dreams of the day when the time is right to start a family, To the Trying Mom who has just started her journey or who is finding the journey far more arduous and heartbreaking than she imagined, To the Expectant Mom who carries her greatest […]
13 Milestones I Wish I’d Known About
We all know the milestones to eagerly watch for: First smile, rolling over, first steps. We wait for them to happen and carefully document them when they do (well, for the first kid at least). There are some milestones, though, that no one thinks to tell you about. They are just as momentous, in some […]