Disclosure: I’ve used affiliate links to share theĀ artists’ music (well, except Journey. Apparently Target is too good for Journey, but not too good for ABBA…). I don’t think anyone buys CDs anymore, but if you decide you can’t live one more day without Shania Twain’s greatest hits, I’d really appreciate it if you use my […]
I Asked, You Answered: Useful Baby Items
Disclosure: If you’re expecting a child or know someone who is, you might want to buy some of these items. If you use one of the links I provide, it won’t cost you a cent more, but I’ll earn a small amount to help keep the blog afloat. Thanks for your support! For our first […]
I Asked, You Answered: The Moment You Knew You Were Old
There comes a time in every person’s life when they realize they aren’t as young as they used to be. The Moment You Knew You Were Old I don’t know about you, but I feel like I stopped growing when I was in my early twenties. My rational mind knows that I’ve gotten older with […]
I Asked, You Answered: Useless Baby Items
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you decide to go against everyone’s advice and buy that piece of baby junk: 1. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. 2. I’ll receive a small commission on any purchase you make when you use my link. So don’t do it, but do do it… for me š […]
My Guaranteed to Happen Predictions for 2015
Where do you think you’ll be a year from now? What will you be doing? How will things have changed? It can be fun (or scary) to think about what might happen in the upcoming year, so I’ve decided to make some predictions about the two broad categories of Political and Celebrity news. I considered […]
#ONENEWFOOD: Kale Chips and Raspberries
#ONENEWFOOD with Mommy in Sports and Oh, Honestly! Kale Chips and Raspberries Last week, several people said their kids love kale chips, so of course we had to try them. As soon as I pulled them out of the oven, the only thing I could think was, “There’s no freaking way.” I was right. The […]
Parents, it’s time to take back dinnertime!
Join us as we teach our kids healthy eating habits #ONENEWFOOD at a time!
To Eli, on your sixth birthday
Dear Eli, I’ve noticed something happening in the past couple of months. It started one sunny day…
Random thought Thursday: Fourth edition
It’s that time again! Random Thought Thursday!! I’ll share mine here and I need your random thoughts to share on social media throughout the day. Send them to me via Facebook, Twitter, G+, commenting here, email, carrier pigeon, whatever (although if you choose the pigeon, I won’t guarantee you’ll get it back alive. I’m terrified […]
Random thought Thursday: Third edition (Music!!)
I think I’ve mentioned this before, but everything reminds me of a song. Everything. Say a word and I will think of a song for it. My sister and I actually made it into a game when we were younger. We’d give the other person a word and they had to think of a song […]