Below: Free printable lunchbox notes that are perfect for the month of March! Includes St. Patrick’s Day themed notes. I’ve learned a lot about blogging in the four and a half years that I’ve been doing it. For example, I’ve learned that you should start your blog posts with an interesting story to draw the reader […]
The Truth About Vacationing With Kids
I glanced out the window at a bright blue sky, then looked down at the blanket of clouds below us. In a few more minutes we would enter those clouds and when we came out on the other side, the cold, snowy landscape that greeted us would signal the end of our family vacation. We’d […]
Make Your Kids Smile With These Free Printable Lunchbox Notes
I’m not the type of mom who creates bento box masterpieces for her kids each day. I’m not the type who cuts their sandwiches into little bears with blueberry eyes and a red pepper mouth. I’m not even the type who always comes up with new snack ideas to pack in their lunches. I have nothing […]
Five Healthy Eating Habits to Start The Year Right
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases you make will cost you the same amount as always, but I’ll earn a small commission. Thank you! I didn’t make any health-related New Year’s Resolutions this year. I know myself well enough to know that they wouldn’t last very long. That’s not to say that I […]
The Simple Reason I’m Giving Up on My Dream Christmas
It was Christmas party season. My husband and I pulled into the driveway of the host’s home, and I immediately had a feeling about what I was going to find inside. My suspicions were confirmed as soon as we stepped through the front door. Christmas music played softly, piped through hidden speakers. Gorgeous garland (Was […]
24 Ways to Make the Christmas Season Even Better Than Christmas Day
The other night I had a dream that it was Christmas morning and I had nothing ready. The house wasn’t decorated. Stockings weren’t stuffed. Gifts weren’t wrapped and waiting under the tree. Heck, I hadn’t even bought the gifts yet. As I frantically tried to figure out a way to fix things before the kids […]
Please Stop Telling Me Not to Praise My Husband
Recently I’ve seen a rash of people talking about the double standard of praise aimed at parents. Fathers get praised for everyday tasks, while moms either get ignored for those same tasks or worse, reprimanded. While a dad is a hero for taking his kids out for dinner, a mom might be given the evil […]
Five Reasons You Should NOT Sell at a Consignment Store
I’m excited to partner with The Growing Place and Polish for this post. You’ve been putting it off. Every time you think of it, you come up with something else that’s just a liiittle more urgent. Although the sun is shining and you’d rather be outside (or truthfully anywhere but here), you know what you need […]
Eight Items You Need When Your Kids Get Sick on Vacation
This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made through these links help support the blog at no added cost to you! Before my husband and I had kids, I remember my sister-in-law saying that without fail, her kids would get sick while on vacation. She wasn’t being overly dramatic. It really did seem to happen […]
How to Get Your Kids to Unload the Dishwasher
You know when there’s a power outage? You walk to whatever room you keep your flashlight or candle stash, and even though you know the power is out (because you’re moving with the sole purpose of finding a light source), you still flip several switches on your way from Point A to Point B purely […]