When I think back to the defining movies of my childhood, Home Alone stands at the front of the pack (it’s in a dead heat with The Little Mermaid, but they both have pretty killer soundtracks so I can’t pick a favorite). I don’t know how many times I watched it as a kid, but I […]
Meme Monday: Hello, Bedtime?
Meme Monday is back! I used to share the memes I made both on social media and here on the blog. Lately I’ve made a bunch, but they’ve only gone on Facebook, so it’s time for me to start cataloging them again. Each Monday, I’ll feature one meme. I hope they give you a much […]
The Five Stages of a Toddler Tantrum
Ahh, toddlers. They can go from being the most charming people on Earth to behaving like Satan’s spawn in the blink of an eye. Having gone through the toddler years three times now (well, four times if you count my own toddler years, but those are a bit hazy), I’ve become quite well-versed in the […]
4 Life Lessons You Won’t Learn from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
We were minutes away from the beach when the fog began to roll in. “Uh-oh!” I said to the kids, “It might not be the best day to play in the ocean. I hope the fog doesn’t stick around long.” My three year old piped up from the back seat. “I know what to do! Mickey called […]
The Day I Learned the Truth About My Mother
Eli needed pants. He had recently ripped holes in the knees of not one, not two, but three pairs while out on the playground, and that was in one week alone. The few pairs left either had grass-stained knees or were quickly creeping into high water territory. Clearly it was time for replacements. There […]
6 Totally Useless Things I’ve Learned Since Having Kids
I have learned a lot in my time as a parent. No, not just a lot. I’m talking BOOK LOADS. I imagine any parent would say the same. Experience is truly the greatest teacher. Most of the information I’ve learned is quite helpful. I can change diapers, calm a tantrum (sometimes), teach someone how to […]
Dear Teacher, Don’t Let Him Fool You
Dear Teacher, In a couple of weeks my son will walk through the doors of your classroom and for the next nine months many of his waking hours will be spent with you. I know as the days, weeks, and months pass, you’ll get to know a side of him that even I am […]
Today I Wasn’t Perfect
Today I yelled at my kids more times than I can count. Yesterday I took them out for ice cream. Today we ran errands and I did housework. Yesterday we spent all day at the beach. Today I was short on patience. Yesterday I had it in abundance. Today I Wasn’t Perfect Today I […]
9 Self-Help Skills Your Child Should Know Before Starting Kindergarten
This post contains an affiliate link. I’ll earn a small commission on any purchases made, at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! When preparing to send your child to school for the first time, your mind is probably consumed by many thoughts: “How is my baby so big already?” “There’s seriously a three page […]
Back to School Resource List
A list of resources from Oh, Honestly pertaining to school 7 Things I Wish I’d Known Before My Child Started Kindergarten How to Save Money on Back to School Shopping 4 Tips to Navigate School Waters With a Food Allergic Child Checklist of Questions to Ask the School if Your Child Has Food Allergies Periscope […]