It sneaks up on me when I’m not paying attention; subtle, unassuming, pretending to be my friend. “I’m only here to help,” it tells me. “I’ll show you how to be a better person.” I look where it’s pointing; at that woman with the cute clothes and the stylish haircut. Then I look at my […]
How NOT to React When You Find a Tick in Your Bed
This post contains affiliate links. This morning I discovered a dead tick in my bed. I was grossed out of course, but kept a cool head. After all, if you live in the northeastern US, dealing with ticks is just a part of life. We check our kids daily to make sure they don’t have […]
6 Disgusting Things I Refuse to Think About (So Stop Showing Me the Studies Already!!)
Recently I’ve seen articles popping up all over social media about the horror that is the Public Pool. I’m not exactly sure what these articles say since I haven’t clicked over to any of them, but I imagine the word FECAL appears a lot. It’s become pretty standard these days to see studies that […]
How Skimmies are Saving My Summer
I used to really like wearing skirts and dresses, especially in the summer. I could throw one on with a pair of flip flops and instantly feel casual, comfortable, and pretty, not to mention cool, on a hot summer day. Then I had kids. Suddenly a bunch of the things I used to wear without a second […]
What Happens When We Share Our Stories
What are your days like? If you have young kids like I do, they’re probably filled with snack prep and hand washing, diaper changing and bathroom breaks, toy cleanup and dirty laundry. It’s not often that a mom of three living in central Maine has a reason to get dressed up and spend a night out […]
I Asked, You Answered: The Worst Gift You Ever Received
It’s happened to all of us. We excitedly pull the paper off a gift, open up the box to reveal the contents, and think, “Really?” Though most gifts are well-intentioned and I am not for a minute promoting ungratefulness, let’s face it, some miss the mark, and others can be downright comical. I asked my email subscribers […]
I Asked, You Answered: Movie Theater
Last Sunday a bunch of movie people won some awards. I didn’t really care because I’d never seen any of the movies they won the awards for. Not one. Not even the animated ones. In fact, I hadn’t even heard of at least half of them. I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in my Oscar […]
What Life is Like Where It’s Snowy and Cold [Video]
My friend Kristen, who lives in Miami, has told me several times that I need to write about what we go through up here in the frozen North during the winter months. Every time she’s said it, I’ve laughed and thought, “It’s just winter. We do it every year.” What Life is Like Where It’s […]
I Asked, You Answered: Best Karaoke Songs
Disclosure: I’ve used affiliate links to share the artists’ music (well, except Journey. Apparently Target is too good for Journey, but not too good for ABBA…). I don’t think anyone buys CDs anymore, but if you decide you can’t live one more day without Shania Twain’s greatest hits, I’d really appreciate it if you use my […]
I Asked, You Answered: The Moment You Knew You Were Old
There comes a time in every person’s life when they realize they aren’t as young as they used to be. The Moment You Knew You Were Old I don’t know about you, but I feel like I stopped growing when I was in my early twenties. My rational mind knows that I’ve gotten older with […]