Every two years, nations all over the world come together to cheer on and celebrate the accomplishments of their elite athletes. It’s a wonderful and exciting time and those athletes deserve every ounce of recognition they receive. But what about the millions of people living quiet, unseen lives who not only deserve gold medals, but […]
Week 30: A walk to remember
If this is your first time joining me for the Keeping It Real Challenge, please click here to find out what it’s all about. I like to go for walks with my kids. It gets us out of our house and yard and gives me the illusion that I’m getting some exercise while enjoying time […]
Kristen and I are so excited by the response we got last week regarding #ONENEWFOOD. A lot of you expressed interest in joining us and we say “The more the merrier!” Why? Because: Everyone who does this is making a commitment to their family’s health and that is AWESOME! The more people who do it, […]
Parents, it’s time to take back dinnertime!
Join us as we teach our kids healthy eating habits #ONENEWFOOD at a time!
#ONENEWFOOD: Teaching Kids to Try New and Healthier Foods
You’ve heard me sing my Picky Eater Blues before, but in case you forgot the lyrics, here’s the chorus: My kids don’t want to eat anything except pizza, nuggets, pasta, and fruit (hey, it’s not all bad!). In fact, nine times out of ten, Annelise will not eat one bite of dinner. I put it […]
The butt dial I won’t soon forget
It’s been exactly one year since the most embarrassing moment of my life (to date). How do I know this? Because as soon as it happened, I decided to share it with the world. And apparently it struck a chord (or people just like to laugh at me) because it was the first time my […]
40 steps to easily get out the door with kids
Remember those carefree days before you had children? You’d need a few things at the grocery store, so you’d run a brush through your hair, freshen your makeup, grab your purse and keys, and be in the car three minutes after deciding to go. Then you had kids and suddenly going to the store, or […]
Week 22: The kids are all right
First time joining me for the Keeping It Real Challenge? Click here to learn what it’s all about. Some parts of parenting leave me a little stumped. Okay, maybe lots of parts of parenting leave me stumped. This gig ain’t easy. My latest conundrum? What do to about name-calling. Look, I know kids calling other […]
52 reasons I’m happy I married my husband
Father’s Day always gets me thinking about the important men in my life. I have been blessed with an amazing dad and should probably be writing about him (sorry Dad!), but today I’ve decided to highlight the father of my children: My amazing husband. Here, in no particular order (except maybe the first one since […]
Week 18: The sweetest thing
If this is your first time joining me for the Keeping It Real Challenge, please click here to learn how it all began. I read a blog post a while back by a mom whose kids are a little bit older than mine. She was at the pool with them one summer day when she […]