Today I’m bringing you an Oh, Honestly first: I’m combining my #ONENEWFOOD and Keeping It Real Challenge posts because… well, because trying our one new food this week was most definitely a Keeping It Real moment. Kristen and I promised you that we’d share healthy recipes each week to go along with our #ONENEWFOOD and […]
4 things that are completely different from when I was a kid
Sometimes I look at my kids sitting in the living room, playing Minecraft on the iPad, and I think back on how much has changed since I was a child. Wouldn’t it be fun to take our kids back to those days, just so they could see, first hand, how different things were? I don’t […]
Hey Dads, I Have Something to Say to You
Hey dads, I have something to say to you Hey Dads, I see you. I see you in your yard, playing ball with your kids, sharing tips on how to improve their stance or catch that fly ball. I see you mowing the lawn, a child on one knee with a smile stretched across her […]
Four Things Families With Food Allergies Want You to Know
Last week I shared tips for families who have food-allergic children on how to transition smoothly to school. This week I want to talk to families who do not have children with food allergies. Hopefully the following four insights will give you a peek into our world and a bit of food for thought. (I […]
Meme Monday: My Kid Needs to Pee
Happy Meme Monday to you! I hope you enjoyed your weekend and didn’t have any accidents due to a slowpoke. We had a near miss which inspired today’s meme. I call it “My Kid Needs to Pee!” Enjoy!
Week 34: All Creatures Great and Small
If you’re just joining me for the Keeping It Real Challenge, please click here to find out what it’s all about. On Saturday the kids and I sat in the living room for probably 20 minutes, watching two squirrels run back and forth, gathering and storing acorns. As we watched, we asked question after question: […]
Five things I wish I’d known before I had my second child
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases you make will cost you the same as ever, but I’ll receive a small commission to keep the blog running. Thanks for your support! When you’re expecting your first child, you read a million books on the subject because you’re nervous and you have no idea what […]
Meme Monday: Parenting Mystery
Welcome to my newest feature: Meme Monday The other day I made my first ever meme and tweeted it to a few people. Bundoo asked if I had it on the blog so they could pin it. I didn’t, but thought, “Hey, I could do that and call it Meme Monday!” (which maybe is already […]
Week 33: Back to the Future
If this is your first time joining me for the Keeping It Real Challenge, click here to find out what it’s all about. I have seen a glimpse into my future. Oddly, it looks a lot like my past. When we signed Samuel up for PreK, we had a hard time deciding how often to […]
Week 32: The Ugly Truth
If you’re just joining me for the Keeping It Real Challenge, please click here to find out what it’s all about. Sometimes the truth hurts. When it’s spoken in love, though, it makes you realize that changes need to take place. Last week Eli said to me, “Why are you on the computer so much?” […]