Does your kid look at life this way or is it just mine? Meme Monday: Chores- Perception vs Reality Like it? Share it! Click on the picture to bring you to Facebook.
“Why am I Sticky?” A Poem About Parenthood
“Why Am I Sticky?” A Poem About Parenthood Our baby is here, a sweet little boy. He’s tiny, my love bug, our bundle of joy. I feed him and burp him, then lay him down. “Why am I sticky?” I ask with a frown. Upon closer inspection, I soon see why. Dribbled milk’s on my skin, and […]
13 Thoughts I Had While Watching Home Alone Now That I’m a Parent
When I think back to the defining movies of my childhood, Home Alone stands at the front of the pack (it’s in a dead heat with The Little Mermaid, but they both have pretty killer soundtracks so I can’t pick a favorite). I don’t know how many times I watched it as a kid, but I […]
The Five Stages of a Toddler Tantrum
Ahh, toddlers. They can go from being the most charming people on Earth to behaving like Satan’s spawn in the blink of an eye. Having gone through the toddler years three times now (well, four times if you count my own toddler years, but those are a bit hazy), I’ve become quite well-versed in the […]
Bedtime: The Not So Silent Killer
Bedtime has been killer this week. KILL-ER. Like make-me-want-to-throw-myself-off-a-cliff bad. The boys haven’t been too terrible, other than the fact that it takes ten minutes to complete every one minute task. But the girl. Oh, the girl. She’s just tired. I know that’s it. Because right around the same time every night this week, she’s […]
4 Life Lessons You Won’t Learn from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
We were minutes away from the beach when the fog began to roll in. “Uh-oh!” I said to the kids, “It might not be the best day to play in the ocean. I hope the fog doesn’t stick around long.” My three year old piped up from the back seat. “I know what to do! Mickey called […]
4 Ways Life Would Be AWESOME if We Were Legos (and One Way It Would Suck)
Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we all turned into Legos? No? Well I have, and after giving it a lot of thought, I think it would be AWESOME. Sure, not being able to reach the top of our head with our own hands would be a drag, but the […]
6 Totally Useless Things I’ve Learned Since Having Kids
I have learned a lot in my time as a parent. No, not just a lot. I’m talking BOOK LOADS. I imagine any parent would say the same. Experience is truly the greatest teacher. Most of the information I’ve learned is quite helpful. I can change diapers, calm a tantrum (sometimes), teach someone how to […]
What They Meant When They Told Me Life Will Never Be the Same
Back in May, I had the honor of being part of the inaugural cast of Listen to Your Mother Bangor. I’ve been waiting for the videos to be posted before I shared my story with you. You can read or watch it below. What They Meant When They Told Me Life Will Never Be the […]
Furniture Buying Tips for New Parents
You’re expecting! Congratulations! (Or maybe you’re not expecting, but you want kids some day and you like to plan ahead. That’s cool too.) I bet your mind is racing with all the things you need to do before your bundle of joy arrives. I’m here to help. Furniture items are some of the biggest, […]