Hey Me, It’s me! Or you or… well, this might be more confusing than I first thought. I’m the me you’ve become. The future you (me?). You probably recognize parts of me. We haven’t changed much. Then again, in other ways, I’m almost unrecognizable. To the Me I Used to Be You’ll be happy to know that […]
When Pride Gets in the Way of Parenting
This post contains affiliate links. I settled onto the couch, laptop in hand, as three excited kids crowded around me. They talked over each other, trying to be the first to be heard. “Look up sports ones!” “No, Star Wars!” “I want princesses!” When Pride Gets in the Way of Parenting It was the end […]
How to Steal Time
This post originally appeared on Mom Babble. I awoke to quiet talking and took a moment to get my bearings. Our room was unusually dark, mostly because our three kids were camped out on our bedroom floor. With their bedrooms vacant, we’d forgotten to turn on the nightlight in the hall and the dim green glow that usually […]
When Your Kid Is a Brat
Originally published in 2012. This will come as no great surprise to those of you who already have children, but it may be shocking to the ones who haven’t yet delved into the wonderful world of parenting. Brace yourselves, future dads and moms because here it is: Sometimes I don’t like my kids. Thankfully, most […]
Five Things I Wish I’d Known Before Giving Birth
Is there any event that is both feared and joyfully anticipated as much as giving birth? For the first-time mother especially, the fear of the unknown can often be overwhelming as she thinks about childbirth, even though she can’t wait to meet her baby. Thankfully there are thousands of resources available to expectant moms; one of […]
Raising Racially-Sensitive Kids in the Whitest State in America
It became apparent as soon as we stepped off the airplane. I noticed it amid the hustle and bustle of gathering kids and carry-ons, threading our way through the crowds to baggage claim, and finding a porter to help with our monstrous pile of luggage and car seats. People of every color flowed past us in […]
Five Signs Your Kids are Staging a Coup
A version of this post originally appeared on Scary Mommy. Is everything peaceful on the home front? Despite a few rough moments now and then, do you feel good about the familial order of things? Do your kids know the roles they play and and are happy with their places in the family? You poor delusional fool. Your children […]
The Best Rides at Legoland Florida, as Told by Kids Ages 3-14
A big Thank You to Legoland Florida for providing us with tickets to the park. About a month ago, we took a family vacation to Florida. When I say ‘family vacation’ I’m not just talking about the hubby, kids, and me; I’m talking about my entire extended family. There were 20 of us in all. 10 […]
“Why am I Sticky?” A Poem About Parenthood
“Why Am I Sticky?” A Poem About Parenthood Our baby is here, a sweet little boy. He’s tiny, my love bug, our bundle of joy. I feed him and burp him, then lay him down. “Why am I sticky?” I ask with a frown. Upon closer inspection, I soon see why. Dribbled milk’s on my skin, and […]
I Love and Hate That We Don’t Do Santa
Before our oldest child was born, we decided that Santa would not be a part of our Christmas festivities. We made the decision the way most people do who haven’t had kids yet: With full confidence that we knew exactly what we were doing. I Love and Hate That We Don’t Do Santa Now […]